10 Things to Know About Mohs Surgery

Dec 24, 2021 | Mohs Surgery

Home 9 Mohs Surgery 9 10 Things to Know About Mohs Surgery

Newly diagnosed skin cancer impacts the lives of more than one million Americans annually. Fortunately, there are a variety of effective treatment options for skin cancer, including a highly advanced treatment called Mohs surgery.

Here are 10 things to know about this innovative and effective skin cancer procedure.

Mohs Surgery Has Been Around a Long Time

Also called micrographic surgery, Mohs procedures have been around for about 70 years. Useful for basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas (the most common kinds of skin cancer), malignant melanoma, and more, Mohs surgery is known for its high cure rate (99 percent) and tissue-sparing results.

Mohs Surgery Removes Far Less Healthy Tissue Than Conventional Procedures

Performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia, Mohs surgery removes thin slices of suspected cancer tissue and sends them to an onsite lab for analysis. Because the operating dermatologist uses a microscope and ultrafine instruments to perform the removal of cancerous tissue, they are able to leave healthy tissue margins intact. Slice by slice is examined, and tissue removal ceases once no more cancer is detected.

Mohs Surgery Creates Less Scarring

Because the doctor removes less healthy tissue, patients are left with smaller, more manageable scarring. In fact, when reconstruction is necessary, it is done right away whenever possible–all in the same surgery. In short, Mohs procedures work well for areas of the body in which tissue-sparing is important, such as near the eyes, ears, and genitals.

Mohs Surgery Causes Few to No Complications

Infection, bleeding, and pain are common surgical complications, but this is not so with Mohs procedures, because the technique is quick and far less invasive. This makes Mohs surgery an ideal choice for the elderly, diabetic patients, and individuals with a weakened immune system.

Mohs Procedures Are Done in Just One Day

You will not be hospitalized when getting a Mohs procedure. In fact, most Mohs procedures take under one hour to complete. More complex cases can take up to four hours. However, either way, patients return home and resume their normal activities quickly.

Mohs Patients Know Their Biopsy Outcomes Right Away

Sadly, conventional skin cancer surgeries can take days to produce biopsy results. Often, patients have to return for additional surgeries. With Mohs, you will know your results right away.

Your Mohs Surgeon in The Athens, GA, Area Is Fellowship-Trained

Board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Ross Campbell, is fellowship-trained in Mohs surgical techniques. He has performed this cutting-edge procedure over 40,000 times with great patient outcomes.

Our Mohs Surgical Suite is On-Site

At Georgia Skin Center and Aesthetic Dermatology, we are privileged to have a state-of-the-art Mohs surgery facility located right in our Athens, GA, office, along with our lab. You can arrive in the morning for your surgery, and be on the way home in the afternoon. Your skin doctor will discuss your exact procedure with you, and your surgical coordinator will inform you how to prepare and recover from surgery.

You’ll Have Follow-up Exams With Your Skin Cancer Specialist

Despite the high cure rate Mohs surgery patients enjoy, post-operative follow-up is very important. Expect to see your surgeon twice a year for skin cancer check-ups.

Your Consultation at Georgia Skin Cancer and Aesthetic Dermatology

If you are concerned about a mole or other skin spot, please don’t hesitate to call one of our conveniently located facilities for a consultation with Dr. Kristen Thomas or our Mohs surgeon, Dr. Ross Campbell. Skin cancer is highly curable when detected and treated early. Call us at (706) 543-5858, or request your consultation online.

Doctor examining a female patient's back mole

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