Dermatologist Locations in Georgia
Locations & Phone

Athens, GA Area
Clayton, GA
Commerce, GA
Demorest, GA
Elberton, GA
Gainesville, GA
Lake Oconee, GA
Lavonia, GA
Toccoa, GA
Winder, GA
Additional Location Information
Medical Emergencies
After Hours Urgent Medical Needs
Insurance / Payment / Billing
If your insurance plan requires you to pay a co-payment, co-insurance, and/or a deductible, you will need to pay at the time of your visit. For your convenience we accept cash, checks, or Care Credit.
If you have a question related to your bill or insurance, please contact our billing specialists at (706) 543-5858.
Please coordinate this with your primary care physician in advance. Appointments will be rescheduled if required referrals are not received in the office by the time of your visit.
Hospital & Surgery Center Affiliations
Prescription Requests
Refills are generally not issued during the evenings, weekends, or holidays, as the doctors may not have access to all your medical records during those times. It is helpful to anticipate your refill needs to avoid an interruption in your medication therapy.