Mole Removal & Skin Cancer Screening in Georgia

Skin Cancer Screening

Home 9 Medical Dermatology 9 Skin & Mole Check
Most skin cancers and abnormal moles can be found early with skin exams, and are curable. Regular yearly exams, by one of our providers, along with checking your own skin frequently can help find cancers early, when they are easier to treat.

When performing self-skin exams, the mnemonic ABCDE (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter >6 mm, Evolving) is useful in recognizing common features of a possible concerning mole or melanoma. Oftentimes, the E for evolving lesions is the most important because melanomas may be changing in other ways – becoming elevated, painful, or ulcerated, itching, burning, or bleeding.

There are also a variety of benign skin growths that can be found on your skin including seborrheic keratoses, freckles, angiomas, and skin tags . Our providers can tell the difference between these benign growths and those that may be concerning.

To arrange a skin and mole check with one of our highly skilled dermatologists, call Georgia Skin Cancer & Aesthetic Dermatology today at (706) 909-3625 or use our convenient online Book Appointment form to schedule your visit.

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