Dermatology Patient Forms

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At Georgia Skin Cancer & Aesthetic Dermatology, we strive to make it as convenient to obtain the treatment you need as possible.

Here are several patient forms you can download, print out, and bring with you to your next appointment if necessary.

Recommended post care for biopsy sites.
Everything you will need for your new patient visit.
Todo lo que necesitará para su visita de nuevo paciente.
If you are requesting records from another physician to be sent to GSC, or you want the release of your records from GSC to another physician.
Consent to treat minor patient without parent present.
Consentimiento para tartar a un paciente menor de edad sin el padre o la madre presente
Recommended Pre/Post Care for Excel V Laser.
Recommended Pre/Post Care for Genesis Laser.
Recommended Post Care for the Swift-Scan laser treatment for hands
Recommended Post Care for the CO2 laser
Recommended Post-Care for the Erbium laser
Recommended Post-Care for the Rejuvenate Laser

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